


第3回 地球・海・空: 環境・地球科学国際共同大学院ワークショップを開催しました / Workshop ESS III


5月28日、29日の両日に、東北大学大学院理学研究科合同A棟にて、第3回 地球・海・空: 環境・地球科学国際共同大学院ワークショップが開催され、海外研究者10名、東北大教職員25名、学生41名(うちGP-EES学生18名、留学生12名)、計76名が参加しました。




ワークショップページ:Earth, Sea and Sky III: International Joint Graduate Program Workshop in Earth and Environmental Sciences co-hosted by the Tohoku University GP-EES and JSPS-DFG Japanese-German Graduate Externship

Workshop “Earth, Sea and Sky III” was held on May 28 and 29 at Tohoku University. 10 researchers from overseas, 25 staff at Tohoku University, 41 students (18 GP-EES students and 12 international students) participated.

On the first day, GP-EES students took the qualifying exam by overseas researchers. There were 44 poster presentations by students during the lunch break. On the second day, there were 12 oral presentations by both Japanese and overseas researchers.

The day before the workshop, there was a scientific field trip. We went to Naruko and Onikobe areas and studied about the historic volcanic activities. 8 researchers from overseas, 2 staff at Tohoku University and 9 students (6 GP-EES students and 5 international students) were attended.

Photos of the workshop and the field trip

Workshop website:Earth, Sea and Sky III: International Joint Graduate Program Workshop in Earth and Environmental Sciences co-hosted by the Tohoku University GP-EES and JSPS-DFG Japanese-German Graduate Externship