


ハワイ研修説明会 / Information session of a study tour in Hawaii


○場所:理学研究科合同C棟 多目的室(N204)(この地図のH-04の建物)

本研修は、⽇本学⽣⽀援機構(JASSO)および東北⼤学環境・地球科学国際共同⼤学院プログラム(GP-EES)によるサポートのもと、本学学部⽣・⼤学院⽣に世界的な視野を持たせ、先端研究へ触れさせることを⽬的として⾏います。 今年度はハワイ諸島へ赴き、⽕⼭・⼤気海洋・天⽂等に関する巡検(2019 年2⽉下旬〜3 ⽉上旬出発予定)を⾏います。希望する可能性がある学生は、必ず説明会に参加するようにしてください。

This year, we will conduct a study tour in Hawaii at Department of Earth Science and Department of Geophysics.

We will hold an information session at the schedule below, so please join this session if you wish to participate in the tour.

○ Session date and time: Aug 2 (Thu), 15:00-
○ Venue: Room N204, Science Complex C, Graduate School of Science (“H-04” in the map)
○ Target: 2nd to 4th grade undergraduate students (in the fields of Earth Sciences and Geophysics), Graduate students (Department of Earth Science, Department of Geophysics)

○ Purpose · Contents:
This tour is conducted under the support of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and GP-EES with the aim of bringing a global perspective to undergraduate and graduate students and letting them touch advanced researches. This year, we will go to Hawaii and study volcanology, atmospheric-oceanic science, and astronomy. The final participants are required to participate in this information session and the second session scheduled in the future. Students who have the possibility to join the tour, please be sure to participate in the information sessions.